Hosted by

Cristina Dogarel

🗓️ Started hosting in 2019

Identity verified

🚀 Has hosted 7 fairs

We are a team of passionate entrepreneurs, teachers, mentors, and parents, who want our children to learn about entrepreneurship in a practical and fun way.
Pending confirmation

Acton Children's Business Fair @ DN1 Value Centre, Romania

Sunday, June 1, 2025

10:30AM - 1:30PM

DN1 Value Centre

Calea Bucureşti 2bis, 077015, Romania

Currently accepting applications 🏁

Apply to the fair

You can still apply to this fair, but please note it hasn’t been confirmed yet, so the date or location might change.

About the fair
Scroll down for English

[RO} Acton Academy Bucharest vă invită la un eveniment extraordinar care le oferă copiilor posibilitatea să își lanseze propria afacere, chiar de Ziua lor, pe 1 iunie.

Copiii între 5-14 ani își creează propriul brand, produs sau serviciu, construiesc o strategie de vânzare și apoi își deschid afacerea pentru 2-3 ore, la standul oferit de noi, gratuit.

Târgul micilor antreprenori Acton, aflat la a sasea editie, va avea loc la DN1 Value Centre din Balotesti, joi, 1 iunie 2024, de la ora 10.30. Vor fi maxim 45 de standuri. 

Evenimentul este organizat de Acton Academy Bucharest, parte din rețeaua globală de școli americane Acton Academy, in parteneriat cu DN1 Value Centre, și este susținut de Acton School of Business din Texas, USA. 

Cu toții credem că antreprenorii serioși sunt eroi și modele pentru generațiile viitoare. Vă așteptăm să îi susțineți!

[EN} Children aged 5-14 develop a brand, create a product or service, build a marketing strategy, and then open for customers at our one-day marketplace - the Acton Children's Business Fair. 

There will be 45 booths at this 6th annual event, held at DN 1 Value Centre shopping mall, nearby our campus. Participation is free of charge this year.

This event is sponsored by Acton Academy, the Acton School of Business, DN1 Value Centre Romania and the generous support of our donors and volunteers. We all believe that principled entrepreneurs are heroes and role models for the next generation.
Hosted by

Cristina Dogarel

🗓️ Started hosting in 2019

Identity verified

🚀 Has hosted 7 fairs

We are a team of passionate entrepreneurs, teachers, mentors, and parents, who want our children to learn about entrepreneurship in a practical and fun way.

Frequently asked questions

What is the Acton Children’s Business Fair?

The Acton Children’s Business Fair inspires children to discover their inner entrepreneur. The largest entrepreneurship event for kids in North America, gone global through the network of Acton Academy schools, this one-day market gives children the opportunity to showcase their very own businesses.

How many businesses will you accept?

We will accept up to 45 businesses.

What types of businesses will you accept?

Any products made by children whether it be entirely of their own design or using purchased items in a unique way is welcome. We will NOT allow for the sale of ready to eat food or drink items at this year's fair.

Where should I begin? 

Start with our resources page. Read inspiring stories about other young entrepreneurs and play games to hone your business skills.

How do I apply? Can I apply as part of a group?

Application must be submitted online. Please submit one application for each business. Children working as a group should submit one application that includes each child’s information. No more than 3 participants per business.

What is on the application?

The application asks kids to think through some simple, but important elements of their business:

  • What product or service do you plan to sell?
  • What price will you charge for each product/service? How much will each product/service cost you?
  • How will you pay for your startup costs? If someone is helping you with your startup costs, how will you pay that person back?
  • How will you advertise/market your business before the fair? 
  • At the end of the fair, how will you determine if your business was a success? 

What if someone else has the same business idea?  

Two cupcake businesses? Not a problem. In general, we will let market forces play out, though we will let later entries know if another applicant has a similar idea so the later entrant can decide what to do.

How will the fair be set up?

The fair will be an outdoor event with tables and some umbrellas. Each business will be given a 1 meter table, and 1-2 chairs. Table cloths will not be provided. We are able to accommodate just a few businesses requiring electricity.

Will electricity be available?

Unfortunately, we are only able to provide electricity to 3-5 booths, on a first come, first served basis.

What are the rules? 

This event is designed to give children the experience of selling a product or service. Parents cannot be involved in selling or promoting a child’s product or service. Parents of younger children (4-6 yo) may sit in the booth, but the children should be responsible for set up, customer interaction, and sales.

Parents may help their child fill out the application, but we expect the children to do as much as possible by themselves.

How did the Acton Children’s Business Fair get started?

Jeff and Laura Sandefer and a few other families wanted to spark a sense of wonder and entrepreneurship in their children so they created the first Acton Children’s Business Fair in Austin, Texas, in 2007. That year, there were seven entrepreneurs and around 25 attendees. Now, there are over 115 entrepreneurs and 1,500 attendees at the Acton Children's Business Fair in Austin.

The first Acton Children's Business Fair hosted by Acton Academy Bucharest started in 2019 in Otopeni. It is designed for both the AAB learners, and young entrepreneurs from outside AAB. 

Our incredible sponsors

Children's Business Fair

Acton Academy

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